Soul Tribes
Heartbeats quicken at our destiny’s encounter on the evolutionary path. I am reminded that I die alone, but am always reborn to you.
~ Ward Ashman

Track List

some content here about the album
Produced by Ward Ashman & Maurice Gainen
Executive Producer: Zoum Zazzo
Recorded Fall, 1999 at Maurice Gainen Productions, Los Angeles, CA
CD design and typesetting by Michael Rosen, Los Angeles, CA
©2000 Ward Ashman -
There are just too many of you who deserve my gratitude and appreciation to even begin a list of acknowledgements. Please know that I love you with all of my heart. I thank you for your support throughout these years. You know well that the artist’s life is both a blessing and a curse.
The cover art was painted by Tony Ezquivel, a brilliant and peripatetic artist originally from El Salvador and Guatemala. Tony was the consummate artiste, who traveled the world, created extraordinary paintings, composed music, and pursued his ongoing romance of the soul. Tony intended his subtle lighting and colors to sooth sorrow and pain, while his embedded themes provoke the imagination. His stellar reputation has been generated from his many shows in the finest galleries of Europe, Central and North America.
Thanks to Mike Gold of Gryphon Stringed Instruments for technical skill and creative vision.
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The full album
Soul Tribes (all tracks in a zipped folder)